Same Boat

Not Gonna Be A Doctor

Tim Pogo Season 1 Episode 4

On this episode we speak with Mo, an entrepreneur and businesswoman from Bangkok.
Mo has spent the past 5 years growing her business, The Happiness Planner, while living in Australia, Japan, S. Korea, Europe, the UK, and the US.  
The Happiness Planner specializes in tools that help people be more productive, achieve goals, and train themselves in how to lead a happier life.
And what could be happier than owning your own business and living all over the world, right? Well, as we learn from Mo and her life...even an expert must practice what they preach. 
Plus, in addition to Mo's first-hand insight into owning a small business during the pandemic, we get a lesson in adapting, adjusting, and reinventing...things we all must do during times like these.